From Salid,

While you are reading this post, someone is watching you on your web cam!

I know you won’t believe that.

While you see market is crashing, someone planned the crash few months ago.

I know you won’t believe that.

While you are searching, watching or trying something, your every key storks are bing recorded.

I know you won’t believe that.


Because even you believe, you cannot do anything to stop it.

The capitalists are way forward than you.

You cannot speak against them.

You cannot run from them.

But, there is one person who spoke against this.

There is one person who fought against this.

There is one person who won against this.

This is Edward Snowden.

Yeah, the movie Snowden is not a science fiction, is not a man made story, it’s a story of a person who fight for privacy.

I would suggest you to go and watch that movie. It’s indeed not a movie, it’s a biography.

For the first time, I posted something that is not related to financial market. But this will give you the analytical power I have.

After you watch this or do research on Snowden, I know you will be feared.

Don’t worry.

The era of spying and stealing came to end. Crypto and Web 3.0 gonna soon take over the world and give freedom.

Snowden was a reason, for me, to leave my software developer job at Fintech company and started a Web 3.0 company when even the word Web 3.0 was not invented.

There was another motivation behind my transition to anonymous world, the story of the saints who were sleeping in cave for years. Why none knows how many was them, how long they were sleeping, and why these data is hidden from the world.

There is a connection between the biblical story I mentioned and the story of Snowden and Bitcoin. Once you understand it, you will find why Bitcoin was invented and what data Bitcoin contains within its blockchain and who is Satoshi Nakamoto!