A secretive person who owns a lot of Bitcoin, known as "Mr. 100," has caught people's attention. He's gathered more than 52,996 Bitcoin, worth over $3.5 billion, according to online records.

Who is this "Mr. 100"?

This mysterious wallet bought at least 1,000 Bitcoin on March 15, which is more than half of all the Bitcoin bought by the top 10 Bitcoin funds. It's been getting Bitcoin since November 2022, and every day since February 14, it's been adding at least 100 Bitcoin.

It's also been getting big amounts of Bitcoin from another wallet since 2019. This means "Mr. 100" might have been collecting Bitcoin since at least 2019. According to reports, "Mr. 100" is not linked to any U.S. funds.

Even though Bitcoin's price is very high, "Mr. 100" keeps buying more. On March 12, when Bitcoin was over $72,000, he bought 400 more Bitcoin.

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