Here's a few things that can explain why $BTC $BNB and $ETH are rising and why they will keep rising:

First of all,The United States is suffering from a couple problems characterized by mismanagement like reckless spending,which devaluates the USD,causing crypto to rise as people crave for something more.

Let's not forget the debts that America has an doesn't seem like they're paying or the immigration crisis. Any crisis that exists can affect the economy negatively since let's all remember that economy is a social science,the market is made up of people. Secondly, Biden's presidency, because of all the previous things I've said,have made Bitcoin to grow and will continue to do so because he does not know or the ones pulling the strings know how to make the USD be worth less. This does not guarantee that there won't be a market crash of any kind but by analyzing politics,you an get an idea of what's wrong with the USD today. Please keep in mind that if Donald Trump wins the presidency BTC won't necessarily fall because we're all very aware that Trump increased national debt and spending so,as long as those demons still exist...Bitcoin will still reign supreme but even then I think it will be too late for the USD unless something really big changes and the American government begins to spend way less but that's never gonna happen,at least not right now unless Trump wanted to go full protectionist but in a good way and did all of that but I highly doubt it.

So to sum up: If something is wrong in America,then crypto rises because the USD loses the battle against crypto because people look for safer options and unironically that makes crypto the safer options.