Success Kid

The Success Kid meme is one of the most popular and recognizable memes on the internet. It features a picture of a young boy named Sammy Griner with a determined look on his face and a closed fist, along with the caption “I’m not even mad, that’s amazing.”

The photo was taken by Sammy’s mother, Laney Griner, in 2007 when he was just 11 months old. The family was at the beach when Sammy picked up a handful of sand and threw it in the air, resulting in the perfect shot that would later become the meme.

#ElonMuskTalks tweeted Success Kid multiple times as well (3 times and counting):

  • #ElonMuskTalks Tweet June 30, 2023:

Now Success Kid is live on Ethereum and Solana with ticker $SKID.

CA (SOL): 9X2RHtKrBzw3SLYe9E88cBd1kz5RfU1f4JTSn4aRH43d

CA (ETH): 0x50a69cEA809B4AFed9A31A72F049a5B0B33Bf5e3

Telegram (SOL): @successkidofficialsol

Telegram (ETH): @successkidofficial