Educational Post for Newbies

What Is Spot Trading?

Spot trading is a direct and immediate form of trading, with transactions settling instantly and without any kind of leverage. It’s one of the most basic forms of trading and can be done with a variety of asset classes, such as cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, forex, bonds, and more.

Although spot trading may occur directly between traders, transactions are usually facilitated by an exchange like Binance.

What’s the Difference Between Spot Markets and Futures Markets?

Spot markets execute instant or short-term trades with immediate delivery, while futures markets involve contracts that set delivery for a future date. Spot trading relies on the current market price based on supply and demand. Futures contracts, on the other hand, are based on agreements between buyers and sellers.

What’s the Difference Between Spot Trading and Margin Trading?

Spot trading requires full asset purchase and immediate delivery, while margin trading allows borrowing funds to enter larger positions. Margin trading amplifies both potential profits and losses, offering increased risk and reward.


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