#Note Crypto is a Fluctuating market's = Up/Down, Patience, Risk, DYOR, Dip, Bullish, Bearish, Burn, Arbitrage, ATH, MOON, FOMO, FUD, HODL, ROI..

Important Note; Cryptocurrencies have limited, practical use and their values are based purely on speculation.

As stated earlier; Tips/Hits: One thing about Crypto Currency or Crypto Coins, is that you don't need to be a pro. Get a good wallet and buy valuable assets coins) in Bit by bit or in quantities you can afford and Store/Hodl it in your binance Wallet or on other Wallets. (Buy Low)

When the price hit *$$$* you will smile(Sell High when prices appreciate - Take Profits)😳😳💃💃Withdraw profits in USDT stable coin.

#Have a working strategy, always have USDT on ground to buy the dip🔰

#Buy the dip of your sure bag.

#Get USDT, buy the dip or have fun regretting and telling ychildren you never bought the dip*😂

#HotTrends #BTC #xrp #sol #Write2Erarn