How do I benefit from CUDOS staking?

CUDOS holders have the opportunity to benefit from staking, which can be done directly, through validators, or by delegating to other participants. Through CUDOS staking, users can help validate transactions on the network and keep the blockchain network running securely. Stakers are rewarded for their participation with standard and additional one-time rewards.

Stacking and security

The security and stability of the CUDOS network depend on the participation of its users. If a validator is disabled for an extended period of time or has abnormal behaviour, it is punished by losing a percentage of its tokens, including the tokens of all its delegates. This protocol-level feature is necessary to ensure network security and stability.

When choosing a validator to delegate steak, users should consider server uptime and reliability, as well as commission percentage. It is recommended to do your own research before selecting a node to delegate the steak, and it is possible to delegate the steak to multiple validators to reduce the risk.

In conclusion, CUDOS staking is a great way to earn rewards while contributing to the security and stability of the CUDOS network. With the right research and delegation, users can maximise their rewards while minimising the risks. Don't forget to read my other articles about the CUDOS project.

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