People on this sub use the word rug pull pretty loosely and I am guessing they don’t know what it exactly means so I am gonna tell u about it and a few more stuff!!

A rug pull is when a dev team or anyone related to them dumps all their holdings so if the price falls but it’s neither of those things we can assume it’s just people who bought a lot of the currency are now selling for a profit which is all fine and basically how Crypto works.

If the coin was highly inflated recently for some reason or the other it will take a harder hit naturally to allow for a pricing correction and go back to a normal and healthy price point but people mistake these market movements for something nefarious which is not a good look.

Be on the look out for differences between actual rug pulls and pricing corrections and call them out accordingly!!

Stay safe while trading and only spend what you can afford to lose when it comes to higher volatility assets.

#dyor #crypto2023 #rugpull #Binance #rugpulls.