In this guide, we'll walk through the creation of a straightforward game in Unity, perfect for beginners. I've chosen the Solana ecosystem for this project. We will develop a basic collectible game where players can acquire digital assets (NFTs) in a simple 2D environment. This tutorial aims to provide some knowledge on how to enter the trending blockchain games industry simply and effectively, all in less than 10 minutes.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Unity Project

  • Open Unity Hub and create a new 2D project.

  • Name your project "SimpleSolanaGame".

Step 2: Basic Scene Setup

  • Once your project is open, go to the "Scene" view.

  • Right-click in the Hierarchy, select 2D Object -> Sprite, to create a ground for your player.

  • Scale the sprite to form a ground platform.

  • Add a Player: Right-click in the Hierarchy, choose Create -> 2D Object -> Sprite. This will be your player. For simplicity, this can just be a colored square.

Step 3: Player Movement

  • Select the Player sprite in the hierarchy.

  • Add a Rigidbody 2D and a Box Collider 2D from the Inspector.

  • Create a new C# script named "PlayerMovement" and attach it to your Player sprite.

  • Paste this : using UnityEngine;

    public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public float moveSpeed = 5f;
    public float jumpForce = 5f;
    private Rigidbody2D rb;
    private bool isGrounded = true;

    void Start()
    rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

    void Update()
    float move = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    rb.velocity = new Vector2(move * moveSpeed, rb.velocity.y);

    if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && isGrounded)
    rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce), ForceMode2D.Impulse);
    isGrounded = false;

    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
    if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ground")
    isGrounded = true;

  • Edit the script to add basic left and right movement and jumping (I can provide a simple script if needed).

Step 4: Incorporating Solana

  • Navigate to the Solana Unity SDK documentation (link provided in the original instructions).

  • Follow the steps to add the Solana Unity SDK to your project via the Package Manager.

  • Once the SDK is added, download the "SoulPlay" Unity package and import it into your project.

Step 5: Integrating NFTs as Collectibles

  • In your game, decide what the collectibles will be (these will represent NFTs).

  • Place several collectible sprites around your scene.

  • Write a simple script that detects when the player collides with a collectible and logs a message. This will be the placeholder for NFT collection logic.

Step 6: Setting Up NFT Interaction

  • Utilize the Solana Unity SDK to connect these collectibles with actual NFTs. For instance, each collectible sprite could represent a unique NFT on the Solana blockchain.

  • Follow the SDK guidelines to assign an NFT to each collectible in the game.

Step 7: Token Swap and Mobile/WebGL Deployment

  • Introduce a basic UI button for token swapping; use the Solana SDK to integrate actual functionality.

  • Prepare your Unity project for Mobile and WebGL platforms, adjusting settings for performance and compatibility.

Step 8: Testing and Finalizing Your Game

  • Test the game in Unity to ensure all mechanics work as intended.

  • Build and deploy your game to the desired platforms.

  • Perform final checks to ensure Solana functionality works on all platforms, particularly the NFT collection and token swap features.

Congratulations! You've just created a simple Solana-integrated game in Unity. This basic setup introduces you to the possibilities of blockchain gaming, allowing players to interact with NFTs within a simple collectible game framework.

Call to Action:
Explore further! Expand your game with more features, different types of collectibles, and additional gameplay mechanics. And remember, this is just the beginning—there's a whole world of possibilities.

You can use ChatGPT if need a bit help, but this article is quite comprehensive. I'm very happy to share that, in a article months ago about how to create a token in seconds, I've helped around 30 people create their first token (hey contacted me). I know it's a small number, but if I could help even one person realize their dreams, I'm already happy.

In the next articles, I'll talk about:

  • Why and how to learn Unity (It's easy and helps with developing games for blockchains).

  • Best Tokenomics (It's very important to have good tokenomics to prevent your project from becoming a pump and dump).

  • How to attract investments (There's a big list of pages with investors to bring good exposure to your project; I'll provide a Huge list đŸ”„).

  • How to build a community (Nowadays, many projects share exposure and active followers; in return, their community receives some airdrops. I'll bring a list).


  • Create a JavaScript Plugin in Unity:

    • Create a new file called Plugin.jslib in the Assets/Plugins folder in your Unity project.

    • Add the following JavaScript code for a simple Solana connection and NFT fetching:

javascriptCopy code

mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
WalletConnect: function () {
// Initialize your Solana connection here
// This is a placeholder function, actual implementation will vary based on your setup
console.log('Wallet connected');

FetchNFTs: function () {
// Fetch NFTs logic here
// This is a placeholder function, actual implementation will vary based on your setup
console.log('NFTs fetched');

Please note, actual JavaScript for connecting to Solana and fetching NFTs would need to be developed based on your specific requirements and the Solana Web3.js library.

  1. In Unity, create a new C# script to call these JavaScript functions, for example, SolanaIntegration.cs.

csharpCopy code

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;

public class SolanaIntegration : MonoBehaviour
private static extern void WalletConnect();

private static extern void FetchNFTs();

public void ConnectWallet()

public void GetNFTs()

Attach this script to a GameObject in your scene, and you can call ConnectWallet() and GetNFTs() methods, for example, through UI button clicks.

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