Unlock the power of limitless possibilities with iExec's latest tech stack upgrade – V8! Are you ready to take your confidential computing to the next level? With new features and technical integrations, including support for Intel® SGX2 and the Gramine framework for TEE, iExec V8 empowers developers to address use cases that were once unimaginable. And with the SMS of iExec's confidential computing infrastructure now running fully inside a hardware enclave, your sensitive data is more secure than ever before. Don't settle for less – upgrade to iExec V8 and unlock a world of opportunities!

Introducing iExec V8, the cutting-edge tech stack upgrade that takes iExec's Confidential Computing solution to new heights! With a host of powerful new features and seamless technical integrations, iExec V8 empowers developers to tackle previously unimaginable use cases with ease.

And that's not all – iExec V8 now boasts support for Intel® SGX2 and the Gramine framework for TEE, unlocking even more possibilities for secure computing. Plus, with a crucial technical upgrade, the SMS of iExec's confidential computing infrastructure now runs fully inside a hardware enclave, ensuring top-notch protection for all your sensitive data.

In short, iExec V8 is the ultimate solution for developers looking to take their confidential computing to the next level. So why wait? Upgrade to iExec V8 today and unlock a world of limitless possibilities!

Back in 2018, iExec was making waves in the tech world with the release of the world's first 'trusted compute' solution for blockchain. This groundbreaking innovation was achieved through a powerful collaboration with Intel, utilizing the cutting-edge Intel® SGX hardware enclaves.

For the uninitiated, hardware enclaves are like a secret vault within a machine's CPU, where only the most select pieces of code can run in a completely protected environment. And when it comes to ensuring that code runs smoothly and without interference, there's no better solution than a TEE like Intel® SGX.

But what's really interesting is that in some cases, protecting the execution of code can be even more crucial than hiding the actual data being computed. That's why iExec's partnership with Intel® SGX was such a game-changer – by utilizing this powerful TEE technology, they were able to create a truly secure and trustworthy environment for blockchain computations.

Picture this – you need to execute code on a remote machine, but you can't trust the person in charge of that machine. What do you do? Enter iExec's revolutionary solution: the integration of Intel® SGX 2 into their infrastructure.

With this powerful new version, even the key admin user of a machine cannot access the code or data running inside the enclave. That means you can rest easy knowing that your computations are secure and untampered with, no matter where they're being executed from.

But that's not all – iExec's V8 tech stack upgrade also opens up a world of exciting possibilities for developers, particularly those working on deep learning applications. With increased memory capacity and lightning-fast execution, V8 is poised to take confidential computing to the next level.

So whether you're a developer looking to build the next game-changing app, or simply someone who values the importance of secure computing, iExec V8 and Intel® SGX 2 are the perfect pair to make it happen.

Get ready to step into a whole new world of computing possibilities, thanks to Intel SGX 2. With its enhanced storage and memory capabilities, SGX V2 has opened the door to a world of powerful applications that were once deemed impossible – including cutting-edge AI solutions.

As we all know, AI is revolutionizing the way we solve real-world problems, but it requires massive amounts of data and computing power to do so. And when that data is sensitive or confidential, you need a solution that can deliver top-notch security without sacrificing performance. That's where iExec's Confidential Computing comes in, powered by the game-changing technology of Intel SGX 2.

With SGX V2's increased storage and memory capabilities, developers can now harness the power of confidential computing to run complex AI applications with larger inputs, all while maintaining the highest levels of security. But it's not just AI that benefits from this upgrade – a whole host of other apps that were once out of reach are now within reach thanks to the power of iExec V8 and Intel SGX 2.

So if you're ready to unlock the full potential of confidential computing, there's never been a better time to dive into the world of iExec and Intel SGX 2. Get ready to experience a whole new level of computing power, all while keeping your data safe and secure.

At iExec, we believe that developers should have access to the latest and greatest tools to create cutting-edge confidential computing applications. That's why we're excited to announce that iExec V8 now supports the Gramine TEE framework, alongside our already-available Scone Library.

What is Gramine, you ask? It's an OpenSource project that provides top-notch workflow and security management for confidential computing applications. And it's quickly becoming the industry standard, thanks to its powerful capabilities and ease of use.

With iExec V8's support for Gramine, developers can now take advantage of this groundbreaking technology to build even more powerful confidential computing applications. Whether you're working on a complex workflow or simply need to ensure top-level security for your computations, Gramine and iExec V8 have got you covered.

So if you're ready to take your confidential computing game to the next level, it's time to dive into iExec V8 and the world of Gramine. Get ready to experience the future of secure computing, today.

At iExec, we take security seriously. That's why we're excited to announce that our Confidential Computing solution just got even more secure with the latest upgrade to iExec V8.

One of the key components of our solution is the Secret Management Service (SMS). This service holds and delivers the "secrets" of computational tasks, which act as a key to unlocking protected resources or sensitive information used within applications. And with iExec V8, the SMS now operates within the ultra-secure environment of the Intel SGX hardware enclave.

What does that mean for you? It means that your confidential computing tasks are now even more protected than ever before. The SMS running within the hardware enclave ensures that your secrets remain private and secure, even in the face of potential attacks.

So whether you're dealing with sensitive financial data or running complex machine learning algorithms, you can rest assured that iExec V8 has got you covered. With the SMS operating within the hardware enclave, you can trust that your confidential computing applications are in safe hands.

So why wait? Join the secure computing revolution with iExec V8 today and take your confidential computing game to the next level.

Attention developers! Are you ready to take your confidential computing game to the next level? Look no further than iExec V8, where a whole new world of features awaits you!

First up, we've got Intel SGX V2, the latest and greatest hardware enclave technology for lightning-fast confidential computing on a larger scale. With increased memory capacity and faster execution, you can now tackle even the most complex machine learning algorithms with ease.

But that's not all! We're also proud to announce our integration with Gramine, the new TEE framework for developers looking to dive into the world of confidential computing. With this new framework at your fingertips, you'll be able to create innovative and secure applications that were previously impossible.

And what about security, you ask? Well, with iExec V8, we've got you covered. Our Secret Management Service (SMS) now runs fully inside a hardware enclave, ensuring end-to-end security and making iExec Confidential Computing more secure than ever before. So whether you're dealing with sensitive financial data or running complex algorithms, you can trust that your confidential computing applications are in safe hands.

Last but not least, we've got an added bonus for you. You can now find the iExec Sidechain on Chainlist, making it even easier to access and develop on our platform.

So what are you waiting for? Join the revolution with iExec V8 and unlock the full potential of confidential computing today!

The world of confidential computing just got a major upgrade with iExec's latest tech stack, V8. This upgrade has brought together the power of Intel® SGX2 and the Gramine TEE framework, making iExec's Confidential Computing solution stronger than ever. This cutting-edge upgrade has opened up doors to new possibilities that were previously unimaginable, giving developers the power to take on complex use cases. What's more, iExec's SMS is now running fully inside a hardware enclave, making the solution fully end-to-end secured. With V8's lightning-fast execution and significantly larger memory capacity, developers can now take on game-changing confidential computing apps related to deep learning and beyond.

Get ready for the future of confidential computing with iExec V8! This latest tech stack upgrade is a game-changer for developers, offering the latest tools and infrastructure to build powerful, secure, and innovative applications. With the addition of the Gramine TEE framework, developers now have even more options that meet the latest industry standards, while the integration of the iExec Sidechain on Chainlist makes the chain more accessible than ever before. This forward-thinking upgrade represents a major step forward in the evolution of confidential computing and shows iExec's unwavering commitment to advancing the field. So join the revolution and explore the possibilities with iExec V8!