A pussy cat story

Forgive me if you think this writeup sounds emotional, but so-called fundamentals they say don't lie. 

I'm not saying you should go all in on one coin, but at least the 1cat community is fresh enough to indicate.

reason he has his eyes on 1cat

1) its an inscription (As in Brc20 if u know what that means)

2) its a Memes coin ( dude just check out the logo, and it's not even the traditional Dog stuff)

3) It is highly connected to Ethereum ( An Hybrid force)

4) It's officially in a Hot trending category for this year (I mean Game)

So i think its solid enough for a good hodl this bull-run...

 feels like discovering the "Last-Pump-Bender".....

Hope this pussy-cat flows as expected....

#1CAT #BRC20 #ETH✅