I felt like it's not enough to Appreciate Rochel for her kind gesture over there in the comments section , So I gotta state it here.

When you selflessly put in work in helping others, there's always the rewards coming at you in different forms.

You see, I was also a victim of BTC show last week, got liquidated from $200 down to just $84.9 left in my wallet of which I shared among all the projects my passionate mentors @N4G and @ZeusInCrypto have been putting up for us to invest in spot trade...

Then I saw a post from @N4G thanking a friend Rochel, for giving him $1,000 and I screamed Yes!

Honestly, it felt like I was the one that received such favour just because I admire his passion and relentless posts which has helped most people here already.

I also wished I was the one giving him that thank you in $$$ (of course I know that someday soon I'm gonna be able to do that).

Thank you once again Rochel (couldn't find your username to mention it properly here), but My sincere appreciation to you for what you did.

And thank you @N4G for all you have continued doing in this space.

Blesseings shall keep locating you.