Ok... you hear and read "a 'trader' made over 10.000% with $XXX in a few hours or days"... sure... you can buy a lottery ticket and win the grand prize... one in a million.

Truth is that for every winner, millions lose.

How many people you know got lucky investing a small amount of money and made an incredible profit? If your answer is yes, congrats... you met an extremely rare specimen.

Trading is about knowing the odds on your favor. You will never be "right" or "wrong". The sucessful trader wins more than it loses, not necessarily in number of trades but in the overall results... only with discipline and strict rules (after a long time backtesting)

And that has to do with two main things: 1. When to enter or exit a trade and 2. Once in the trade, how to manage your risk. Maybe the second is the most important, since you opened a trade that may go against you, but with risk management, that trade may become a winning one (or viceversa).

#TradeWithConfidence #DisciplinePays