Core Chain was designed with many goals in mind, including:

🔶️ Leveraging #Bitcoin to secure a decentralized, permissionless, trustless, censorship-resistant, self-sovereign, Turing Complete, and multi-purpose blockchain.

🔶️ Expanding #Bitcoin governance, incentive-alignment, and protection to EVM-compatible smart contracts.

🔶️ Unlocking #Bitcoin DeFi by granting Bitcoin stakeholders easy access to a parallel Bitcoin-secured, Bitcoin-aligned, and hyper-scalable smart contract platform.

🔶️ Providing #Bitcoin miners with increasingly-needed supplemental rewards by having them recycle hash power through Delegated Proof of Work.

🔶️ Using mechanisms like non-custodial staking to turn bitcoin from a passive asset into a productive one (without entering new blockspace), thereby enabling far more bitcoin use-cases while reinforcing its core functionality.

~ Core Chain initial contributor @richrines at Bitcoin Renaissance - @EthereumDenver 2024.