Here are a few possible reasons why the percentage changes in BTC may appear lower compared to other coins:

1. Market Dominance: Bitcoin is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, often referred to as the "digital gold." It has a significant market share and a large number of investors. As a result, its price movements may be more stable compared to other cryptocurrencies with smaller market caps.

2. Market Sentiment: The overall sentiment and perception of cryptocurrencies can impact their prices. Bitcoin, being the flagship cryptocurrency, tends to be less volatile during periods of market uncertainty or negative sentiment. Investors may view Bitcoin as a relatively safer option, leading to smaller percentage changes in price compared to other coins.

3. Liquidity: Bitcoin has higher liquidity compared to many other cryptocurrencies. Higher liquidity means that there is a larger volume of buyers and sellers in the market, which can result in smoother price movements and smaller percentage changes.

4. Market Manipulation: The cryptocurrency market is still relatively young and can be susceptible to market manipulation. Some smaller coins with lower market caps may experience more significant price swings due to speculative trading or pump-and-dump schemes.

5. Regulatory Factors: Regulatory actions or announcements by governments and financial institutions can impact the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin, being the most prominent cryptocurrency, may be subject to more scrutiny and regulatory measures, which could contribute to its relatively lower percentage changes.

Cryptocurrency markets are highly complex and influenced by numerous factors. The reasons mentioned above are just a few possibilities, and the actual dynamics of the market can be much more intricate.



