Being on the sidelines during a bull market can feel extremely disappointing. Yet, there's a convincing argument to be made that it's not too late to engage, particularly for those looking to experience the most dramatic increases of the cycle. The key is to overcome hesitation and act promptly.

As of now, Bitcoin's ascent has been impressive, and despite how improbable it may seem, there remains a window of opportunity to enter the market. The necessity for immediate action is underscored, with a hint that the forthcoming periods could offer significant returns.

Observing Bitcoin's vertical price movements can induce a sense of having missed out, yet succumbing to this belief ensures missing future gains. A broader perspective reveals we're potentially at a pivotal moment in Bitcoin's cycle, positioned just before or at the onset of its most explosive phase.

Bitcoin is thought to be transitioning from the accumulation phase to a phase of rapid growth. The narrative suggests two possible outcomes: an immediate surge or a beneficial dip preceding the halving, both presenting opportunities for substantial gains.

The emphasis is on the broader cycle and potential ahead, especially with the halving event on the horizon, which historically triggers a prolonged market upswing. Bitcoin's leadership in the cycle suggests that altcoins will soon follow, marking an even earlier stage for investment in these assets.

Practical advice includes formulating a long-term strategy, focusing on macro levels rather than getting swayed by short-term fluctuations. This approach minimizes emotional decision-making and promotes a disciplined investment process, targeting entry points in early cycle phases for altcoins and adhering to a plan for scaling out during peak cycle stages.

In essence, the counsel is to act based on a comprehensive plan, ignoring fleeting emotions and market noise, which often lead to missed opportunities. The focus should remain on significant, strategic moves rather than attempting to capitalize on every minor market fluctuation, thereby aligning with the cycle's broader trends and positioning for substantial gains.