As you all know, my personal goal is to bring value to the community doing reaserches on the market in order to discover interesting decentralized projects and dig into them.

Today I want to talk about MFPEPE, a community driven project with a well-designed tokenomics for steady growth through a safe contract (which is one of the thing we should look at once we choose a project),

But let's see the details even more closely by going down into the technicalities.

MFPEPE is designed for moon thru well-designed tokenomics and utilities backed by the most based names on BSC's thriving DeFi community.

Well, to conclude the project analysis, since one of the most important aspect of the crypto space is safety, let's look into it.

Nowadays, especially in Dex market, people are concerned about many projects being shady or internal draining scheme.

To assure Trustless Security, MFPEPE wants to provide 100% integrity and transparency: reliability backed by a team thats audited and KYC'd by well known agencies (Certik, Interfi, Spywolf, Assure Defi).

So if you appreciate Decentralization, Art, Tech, Community, Memetility and Passive Income I think you will love this article!

You earn $BTCB Rewards automatically distributed into your wallets for holding $MFPEPE which is a great Passive Income stream in my humble opinion. i joined their community over at tg and really like what i see.

Dont forget to comment below and let me know what do you think about it! And as always DYOR!