“Is it too late to buy __?”

Hope it won’t be you asking that question.

DCA takes the emotion out of investing and helps us stay consistent.

Here’s my DCA strategy:

1. Choose 3-5 projects to do your due diligence on, make sure they’re in hot narratives that you want to invest in.

2. I suggest 70% in Mid-large caps and 30% in small caps.

That 30% invested in small caps could 10x your entire portfolio.

3. Set up a DCA schedule and invest $100 in each project on a monthly basis.

4. When general dips happen, buy 2x-3x than your usual DCA amount.

5. Rebalance your portfolio quarterly.

This means selling some of your high-performing cryptocurrencies and buying more of your underperforming cryptocurrencies.

This will help you to maintain a diversified portfolio and reduce your risk.


➽ You decide to invest in $ETH, $SOL, $GMX, $ATOR and $BANANA using a DCA strategy.

➽ You set up a monthly DCA schedule on your chosen exchange to invest $100 in each project.

➽ At the beginning of each month, you will invest $500 in $ETH, $SOL, $GMX, $ATOR and $BANANA.

➽ At the end of each quarter, you rebalance your portfolio.

You sell some that have performed well and buy more of the cryptocurrencies that have underperformed (as long as they’re still building and look strong ).

By following this DCA strategy, you can grow your crypto portfolio over time while minimizing your risk.

Important notes:

✦ This is just a sample strategy. You should adjust it to fit your individual risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon.

✦ Do your research before investing in any project.

✦ Never invest more money than you can afford to lose.

✦ Monitor your portfolio regularly and make adjustments as needed.

Time horizon: Long-term (1.5+ years)

Investment frequency: Monthly