Snapshot date leaked in zkSync GitHub!?

Let's dig deep into the token frenzy and separate facts from fiction

Join me on this investigative journey👇

1/ Filename:

- Created: February 15, 2023

- Last Updated: Yesterday

Key Entries:

- "use crate::types::Token"

- "namespace = zks"

This file includes functions for token operations, such as:

- "estimate_gas_l1_to_l2"

- "get_confirmed_tokens"

/2 The `` file was created 2 months ago, alongside ``.

Included functions:

- `get_snapshot_by_l1_batch_number`

- `get_all_snapshots`

This was likely updated in zkSync to save data at a specific stage.

/3 zkSync v2

zkSync v2 was introduced just a month ago

The main edits in pull requests for v2 focus on 2 files:



These files are located in Web3 API section and serve as the primary source for projects in the zkSync ecosystem

Summary / My predictions:

Work is progressing well with a promising status. Limited info on $ZKS token, but the potential launch may be soon.


> Snapshot in February

> TGE in April/May (after EIP-4844 testing)