Simply put – the Ethereum Shanghai upgrade, specifically the EIP-4895, will allow ETH stakers to remove their staked funds as validators. This is significant because back in December 2020, when the proof-of-stake Beacon chain was launched – participants on the Ethereum network who wanted to be a part of Ethereum 2.0 as validators had to stake a minimum of 32 ETH tokens which was practically going to be locked up for an indefinite period. Once you had staked the 32 ETH tokens, these validators weren’t allowed to pull their funds out whenever they wanted to.

Now, this begs the question – what effect will this move have on you? Well, that actually depends upon the situation you are in, or rather the kind of participant you are on the Ethereum network. If you are simply a validator on the Ethereum PoS chain, you will now be able to pull out your staked ETH tokens and sell them off if you wanted to. 

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