

Continue on why Bicoin will be the superior asset:

Certainly, here are five additional reasons why some consider Bitcoin as a superior asset:

9. 24/7 Market: Bitcoin markets operate 24/7, allowing for continuous trading without interruptions. This contrasts with traditional markets and commodities like gold, which have specific trading hours and may be influenced by regional time zones.

10. Predictable and Transparent Monetary Policy:** Bitcoin's issuance is governed by a fixed and transparent algorithm, halving its supply roughly every four years. This predictability contrasts with gold mining, where extraction rates can vary based on economic factors and technological advancements.

11. Digital Nature: As a purely digital asset, Bitcoin is highly adaptable to the evolving digital landscape. It can be easily integrated into digital financial ecosystems and innovative technologies, providing a seamless fit with the digital economy.

12. Permissionless Access: Anyone with an internet connection can access and participate in the Bitcoin network, without the need for intermediaries or permissions. Gold ownership may involve intermediaries, and physical possession can be subject to various restrictions and regulations.

13. Hardness of Money: Bitcoin is often referred to as "digital gold" due to its qualities as a store of value. Its scarcity, durability, and resistance to censorship contribute to its potential as a robust long-term asset, with some arguing that it could become a more reliable store of value than traditional commodities like gold.

These are my opinions about Bitcoin. Not financial advice. What is your view? Share with us in the comment below 👇