Missed $ARB airdrop for $10,000? Don't miss out on $STYLUS.

This is a project from Arbitrum with $123M in funding.

Cost: $0

Potential gain: $5,000

Check out the $STYLUS testnet guide👇

Arbitrum Stylus, developed by @OffchainLabs, is designed to be faster and more scalable than the existing Arbitrum through an innovative approach to writing smart contracts.

Offchain Labs has secured $123M in funding from @polychain, @coinbase, and other venture capitalists.


≡ Go to: sepoliafaucet.com

≡ Login with mail

≡ Enter your wallet

≡ Get test ETH

2>> Add network

≡ Open MetaMask network settings.

≡ Click Add Network → Add Manually

≡ Network Name: Stylus Testnet

≡ New RPC URL: stylus-testnet.arbitrum.io/rpc

≡ Chain ID: 23011913

≡ Currency Symbol: ETH

3>> Bridge ETH into Stylus Network: [1/2]

≡ Go to: bridge.arbitrum.io

≡ From: Sepolia

≡ Arvitrum sepolai

≡ Enter the amount of ETH

≡ Click on "Move funds to Arbitrum Sepolia"

4>> Second Bridge

≡ Wait 10 minutes

≡ Bridge ETH from Arbirum Sepolia

≡ To Stylus testnet

5>>Stylus Testnet NFT:

≡ Go to: power.omnibase.xyz/arbitrum-stylu…

≡ Connect your MetaMask

≡ Enter the number of NFTs to mint

≡ Click on Mint

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Follow me @Heisenberg IV for more.

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#AirdropStrategies #Write2Earn
