1. The core of crypto currency revolves around the Blockchain Network, understanding it is enough leverage for you. You're still early.

  2. )The crypto market promises you nothing, so you must expect everything, the good the bad and the ugly.

    There are profits as well as losses, but a lot of us are too blind to agree to this. We just want to believe that everyday we make profit, it's not so in this space. From my experience, I have come to understand that making a loss is a constant for every trader, however the profitable traders prepare for the losses before they even come, so that their profits outshine their losses.

  3. The crypto market is designed to rewarding people who jump in early and stay long. Remember that I have told you that you're not late in this space, since the crypto market is still at infancy, you can still exploit the most you can.

  4. There is the bull market as well as the bear market just like other financial markets.

    Bear market = More red candle sticks than green, overall in a market within a particular period of time

    Bull market = More green candle sticks than red, overall in a market within a particular period of time.

    We're currently in a bear market, and a lot of people who have never experienced the bear market think crypto is just up, up and up. There are times when it's down down and down.

    Candlesticks = Representation of the upward and downward movement of prices in a market as a result of human behavior. Do not be deceived, just learn and don't stop learning.

  5. Nothing beats your experience and your consistency in this space, quote me anywhere. Just try to be discipline, show up even if it's 1hr every week, you'll improve over time. Even CZ has said something about this in his past tweets.

  6. Errrm

    I) Try not to use borrowed money for crypto. In my scenario if I borrow money to trade, the fear that the money is not mine affects my trade actions usually negatively.

    II) Put in an amount that you can afford to let go or lose. Old, but Gold.

    III) Don't put money meant for daily expenses, try to have some cash at hand for un-forseen contingencies.

    IV) Never go all in. In this space, the idea of "don't put all your eggs in one basket is very prominent. You must learn how to diversify your portfolio into different projects projected to do well, so that you hedge your assets in that way.

  7. Speed and celerity is essential. You must be very fast and smart in this space since you are not the only one in the market. There are millions of traders and investors out there, big institutions as well as hedge funds. You must be prepared.

  8. Learn to control your emotions whenever you have open trades. Control your greed level, so that you remember to take profit. Control your fear as well, give the market space to play out according to your plan.

  9. No matter who says what, as far as this space is concerned from my little experience, still do your own research.

    I am here to preach the good news to everyone, this is the good news. Financial freedom is the basis of crypto currency, not dependency. Currently what's popping is still De-fi (decentralized finance) it has changed the lives of a lot of people both to the positive and negative side., brace up.

  10. Just like in the physical world, the are crypto scams out there, you must be smart and careful. Very popular in De-fi is rug pull.

    Rug pull = removal of liquidity from an asset or project.

    Liquidity = Money set aside for the ease of buying and selling an asset without causing a drastic change in the asset's price. I.e how quickly it can be bought and how quickly it can be sold without affecting the market price.

  11. Flow with the trend and try to exploit it early. A lot of people have made massive gains that are life changing. Same with massive losses that are live changing, lol.

  12. The whole crypto space is built on a probability scale (my quote), so that the only certainty is the uncertainty in the market. Know this and know peace.

    Of course there are things I have left out, I'm not human-machine. However these are the very vital ones that have come to my mind.