El Salvador’s President, Najib Bukele, has announced his intention to introduce a bill to the country’s Congress that aims to eliminate all taxes on software and hardware innovations.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Bukele said that the bill would exempt technology innovations such as software programming, coding, apps, AI development, computing, and communication hardware manufacturing from all taxes, including income tax, property tax, capital gains tax, and import tariffs.


The announcement comes as part of Bukele’s efforts to promote technological innovation in El Salvador, which has already taken significant steps in this direction. In June 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to make Bitcoin legal tender, with Bukele stating that it would help to promote financial inclusion and provide opportunities for the country’s unbanked population.

Since then, El Salvador has shown various policies to utilize Bitcoin, including plans to build a “Bitcoin City” powered by geothermal energy and the launch of a government-backed Bitcoin wallet called Chivo. Bukele’s new tax exemption bill for technological innovation is another step towards positioning El Salvador as a hub for innovation and technology in the region.

The details of the bill, including whether crypto assets such as Bitcoin will be included, have not yet been revealed. However, the announcement is likely to be welcomed by tech entrepreneurs and investors, who will now have more incentive to invest in El Salvador and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

The move could also attract the attention of other countries looking to promote technological innovation and create a more favorable environment for businesses in the tech industry. Bukele’s government has shown a willingness to experiment with new and innovative policies, and the tax exemption bill for technological innovation is another example of this approach.

In conclusion, President Bukele’s announcement of a tax exemption bill for technological innovation is a positive development for El Salvador’s tech industry. If passed, the bill would help to attract more investment and promote the country’s position as a hub for innovation and technology in the region. With El Salvador already leading the way in making Bitcoin legal tender, this latest move shows the country’s commitment to embracing new and innovative ideas.

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This article was republished from azcoinnews.com