Investors Swiftly Transfer 477,211 PENDLE to Binance Amid Record Highs


Related Addresses:

- [0xd2b62ffee42b707cdfe3eb8da5dba9cc152a499f]

- [0x76caee5d27d333d8f68a1dfc9d60e29a25741621]

Total Tokens Transferred:

Token: Pendle



Related Transactions:

1. Wallet 0xd2b deposited 327,211 PENDLE ($874K) at $2.67:

- [Transaction: 0xc2c352ec73988761dc0910c0c5eca3aca6f435ba98bc448b9248499367850440]

- [Address: 0xd2b62ffee42b707cdfe3eb8da5dba9cc152a499f]Notably, wallet 0xd2b:

- Vested 625K PENDLE ($91.6K) from April 29, 2022, to April 28, 2023.

- Deposited 327,211 PENDLE ($874K) to Binance at $2.67 for the first time recently.

- Still holds 300K PENDLE ($807K) and is gaining $1.59M (x17.3) thanks to holding the token for over 2 years.

![Wallet 0xd2b's overall PENDLE fund movements.]

2. Wallet 0x76c deposited 150,000 PENDLE ($393K) at $2.62:

- [Transaction: 0xb1d8c1e4cc65b556839f3921e6270b41f6733fb6c9fe6c6b5e8ab7a5c42ec9a6](

- Address: 0x76caee5d27d333d8f68a1dfc9d60e29a25741621

Notably, wallet 0x76c:

- Vested 437.5K PENDLE ($64.1K) from April 29, 2022, to April 28, 2023.

- Has deposited 327,211 PENDLE ($624K) to Binance at $2.497 on average on January 28 and 30, 2024.

- Still holds 187.5K PENDLE ($503K) and is gaining $1.06M (x16.6) thanks to holding the token for over 2 years.

![Wallet 0x76c's overall PENDLE fund movements.]

As PENDLE price surged 20% in 24H to its new ATH, two wallets (likely investors of Pendle Finance) deposited 477,211 PENDLE ($1.27M) to Binance.

#pendle #PendleFinance #deposit #investor #profit


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