How Much Bitcoin is Tesla Currently Holding?

In Tesla's Q4 report, the company maintains a steadfast Bitcoin investment of 9,720 BTC, demonstrating resilience amidst a varied financial performance that yielded a total revenue of $25.2 billion.How Much Bitcoin is Tesla Currently Holding?

In the latest financial reports, Tesla, the electric vehicle giant, disclosed impressive figures, with a total revenue of $25.2 billion and an operating profit of $2.1 billion. Noteworthy is Tesla's abstention from both Bitcoin purchases and sales in the quarter under review.

Securing its standing for the sixth consecutive quarter, Tesla currently holds 9,720 BTC in its Bitcoin portfolio. The company's initial venture into the world of Bitcoin took place in February 2021, spearheaded by CEO Elon Musk, who directed a substantial investment of $1.5 billion, triggering a significant surge in the cryptocurrency's value.

Building on this bold initiative, Tesla strategically liquidated a portion of its Bitcoin holdings to assess market liquidity, resulting in the remaining holdings being valued at approximately $1.99 billion by year-end. A pivotal decision unfolded in July 2022, as Tesla opted to sell 75% of its Bitcoin holdings, fortifying its cash reserves by an additional $936 million.

Despite Tesla's unwavering Bitcoin holdings, its quarterly performance has elicited mixed reactions. The fourth quarter witnessed a modest 1% year-over-year uptick in automotive revenue, yet both earnings per share and total revenue fell slightly short of market expectations, leading to a dip in stock value during after-hours trading.

Delving into Tesla's balance sheet unveils a comprehensive asset portfolio, encompassing cash, receivables, and solar energy systems, indicative of a diversified strategy extending beyond automotive sales.

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The quarter showcased diverse performance across Tesla's divisions. While automotive revenues experienced marginal growth, the energy generation and storage segment reported an impressive 10% increase in revenue.