What is MANTA token and it's Utilites #Manta

MANTA token is a cryptocurrency token that is part of the Manta Network, a privacy-centric decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. The MANTA token has several utilities within the Manta Network, including:

1. Governance: MANTA token holders can participate in governing the Manta Network through voting on proposals and decisions related to the platform's development and management.

2. Staking: MANTA token holders can stake their tokens to secure the network and earn staking rewards.

3. Transaction fees: MANTA tokens are used to pay for transaction fees and other services within the Manta Network.

4. Liquidity provision: MANTA tokens can be used to provide liquidity for decentralized exchanges and other DeFi applications within the Manta Network.

Overall, the MANTA token plays a crucial role in the functionality and governance of the Manta Network, serving as a means of value transfer and participation in network activities.