A new version of the Minima node has been released. Added new social media MiniDapp - Chatter.

Chatter is a decentralized social network without a server and without a website, Chatter allows users to share text, images or link audio and video files to their Maxima contacts. You can download MiniDapp from the link: minidapps.minima.global.

Updated Wallet MiniDapp, added transaction history and improved version of MaxSolo.

How to update:

- For Android users: Coming soon to the Play Store

- For Docker users: your node will be updated automatically using Watchtower or via the command from the post (https://t.me/MinimaGlobal/251).

- For server-script users: you can run the update script.

- For users using manual installation: the new jar is available on Github.

#Minima #CryptonResearchBot