👋 Have you secured your crypto centralized exchange?

🛡️ There are 3 layers of security to be applied on securing your crypto centralized exchange:

Layer 1:

Find a reputable exchange with a great history, team, and founder. Remember humans are a great investment because we trade with other humans. 👥

Place a strong password on your CEX, make sure it is not only 8 words or signs, the longer the better, and don’t use the same password on any other of your accounts. 🔒

If there is an update on the CEX application, please update it as they might reduce bugs or add extra security. 📲

Layer 2:

Once you are done with layer 1, now it's time to set up your 2FA (two-factor authentication).

SMS 2FA is no longer safe and not recommended anymore due to the possibility of SIM swap. 📵

Email 2FA is better than SMS. Make sure you use a 2FA app on your email instead of SMS 2FA. 📧

Application 2FA is more sophisticated compared to SMS or email 2FA. Examples are Google Authenticator or Authy. 🔑

Layer 3:

Biometrics are used to prevent other people from using your ID, for instance, face biometrics or fingerprint. 🤖

YubiKey is the highest level of security that you may need as your account goes higher. This is a physical key that needs to be plugged when you enter your account, so other people can’t enter your account without it. Compared to all 2FA that are available in layer 2 that are free to access and create without buying anything, YubiKey needs additional investment as it has a price tag on it and makes your account more secure. 🔑🔒

📝 Notes: This is for CEX security only. If you are heavily into DeFi, we recommend using a hardware wallet and remembering where you place your key. 💡

{crypto, cryptosecurity, security, biometric, yubikey, 2fa]

#crypto #cryptoextraction #cryposecurity #crypto2fa #2fa #cefi #centralized #exchange