CUDOS is a Layer 1 blockchain and a Layer 2 community-governed cloud computing network. Its Infrastructure as a Service marketplace ensures that users have decentralized, permissionless access to high-performance cloud computing at scale.
The network brings together innovative technologies like Decentralized Finance (DeFi), NFTs, the metaverse, and gaming experiences to create and empower the web3 world.

The CUDOS Oracle utilizes a decentralized network of validators who collectively provide data verification and validation services. These validators fetch data from designated sources, verify its authenticity and integrity, and make it available to smart contracts on the CUDOS network. The decentralized nature of the Oracle network ensures that data is retrieved from multiple sources and consensus is reached among the validators to minimize the risk of tampering or manipulation.

By integrating the CUDOS Oracle, developers can build smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) that rely on external data inputs. For example, financial applications can use Oracle to fetch real-time price feeds, weather applications can access weather data, and supply chain applications can retrieve information from external APIs.

The CUDOS Oracle aims to provide high-quality, reliable, and secure data feeds to enable the execution of complex and dynamic smart contracts on the CUDOS network. It plays a crucial role in expanding the functionality and use cases of the CUDOS platform, enabling developers to create decentralized applications that interact with the real world

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