Happy New Year 2024! $ASTR prices experienced a significant and fantastic increase during December, before a correction occurred in early January 2024. In December, the Astar team also worked hard on one of the most important upgrades to the Astar Network before launching Astar zkEVM in February, namely dApp Staking v3. Currently dApp Staking v3 is in the final audit and UI polishing so that users can be comfortable when using the Astar portal. dApp Staking v3 marked the final phase for Tokenomic 2.0. What's changed? Let's take a look.

Voting and Staking Mechanism:

  • For Stakers, the minimum requirement to stake is 500 ASTR and the token unstaking time is ~10 ERAs (10 Days).

  • In 1 Periode (~3 months) There are 2 SubPeriodes : Voting phase and BuildAndEarn phase.

  • Voting phase is ~10 Days

  • BuildAndEarn phase are ~81 days

  • During the Voting phase, stakers didn't received any staking rewards, and their token were locked. The same happened with the dApps / Projects, they don't earn any staking rewards either.

  • During the Voting phase, if a staker put 1000 ASTR and didn't reduced his/her stake below that number until the 1 Periode end (after 3 months) then he/she are eligible for bonus reward.

  • During the Voting phase, a staker can move to whichever projects that he/she wants.

  • During Voting and BuildAndEarn phases, stakers can add or unstake their tokens and claiming their rewards any time they want.

  • Users who didn't stake their token on Voting phase, didn't eligible for rewards.

  • There's a limit of how many days you can claim your staking reward. Be advised to claim your rewards each week, otherwise it will be expired by the end of the periode.

  • Every new periode start all dApps stakes will be reset.

  • By staking means all staker's ASTR never leave their wallet. They are just locked and can't be transferred.

dApp/Project Tiers:

  • Now there are 4 tiers for the dApp. Each has limited slots.

  • Different with previous dApp Staking v2, in v3 all dApps got reward depending on their tier.

  • If a dApp/project has a lot ASTR delegated to them, their chances to land on the highest tier is big.

  • There is possibility of another reward from a dApp or project if a staker staked their ASTR with them, kindly DYOR before you delegate your $ASTR with them.

  • If there are empty slots in a tier, all reward for that slot will be burned.

Tokenomic 2.0:

  • Staker's APY still ~10%

  • There's no max supply, but now ASTR has less inflation, reduced from ~10% to ~5.8%

  • All $ETH revenue on Astar zkEVM will be use to buyback ASTR and burn (both actions using third party)

  • ASTR gas fee on Astar Native VM (the one using Substrate wallet) now equals with Astar EVM with all tips to Collator (Tx validator on Polkadot eco terms), and the rest is burned.

  • In the case if the traffic txs on Astar is very high, the actual number of inflation can be extremely lower than ~5.8% because of the massive burn mechanism.

#Astarnetwork #astar