Daniel Leinhardt onecoin scam story

In 2015, a woman named Ruja Ignatova from Bulgaria launched a company called Onecoin, claiming it would become the Bitcoin killer.

She promised that this cryptocurrency would be the future of payment, a universal currency for the entire world. While it took a few months, Onecoin eventually expanded its branches to Uganda.

In 2016, Onecoin officially opened its offices at Mukwano Courts building in Kampala, making it the main branch of operations in the country.

At that time, I was a secondary school student in my final year, completely unaware of Onecoin or any other cryptocurrency.

My only exposure to Bitcoin was through Facebook groups, although I didn't understand its meaning and didn't have the interest to research further. I would see Europeans in these groups mentioning Bitcoin with decimal points, such as 0.002 BTC, but it all seemed foreign and unimportant to me.

Before 2016, our family friend Prudence invited us to attend a business opportunity called Aim Global Alliance in Motion, which was a multi-level marketing (MLM) company focused on selling products.

To join, you had to invest $200 and recruit others to join as well. Each new member received a package of medicines claimed to cure various health conditions such as heart diseases, ulcers, blood pressure issues, and erectile problems.

My father decided that both of us should join this MLM venture. He paid $200 for me and another $200 for himself, believing that we could give it a try and see how it worked while attempting to recruit others. It was during my search for potential recruits that I stumbled upon discussions about Bitcoin, yet its concept remained elusive to me.

To be honest, MLM seemed like a business meant for well-connected individuals who could be trusted. It was a world where having friends who could afford to invest $200 or more and build a sizable team mattered.

My father and I belonged to a lower social class, lacking such connections. I tried reaching out to people on Facebook, even taking them to the Aim Global offices to persuade them, but I couldn't convince anyone to join.

Onecoin became a nightare

We ended up losing everything. We couldn't find people to sell the medicine packages we received, and our attempts at recruiting were unsuccessful.

I remember my father putting my account under his name, and he managed to earn about $20 in commissions. It was a disappointing and humbling experience, marking our first failed attempt.

From that point on, I realized that MLM was not a business I could handle. It was a wrong choice for us. Whenever we shared our MLM experience with others, they would simply mock us, which became increasingly frustrating.

However, this MLM venture did have a silver lining. It was my first time owning a smartphone. My dad bought me a Techno phone, which I used to search for clients to join our MLM network.

While our family lost $400, personally, I benefited from receiving a brand new smartphone that was far superior to the cheap Chinese counterfeit phone I had been using, which took terrible pictures. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

In 2016, after a prolonged absence of approximately eight months following the failed deal with Aim Global, our family friend Prudence reemerged into our lives.

It was evident that she had undergone a transformation - her appearance exuded confidence, with her flawless brownish complexion, donning an exquisite red lipstick and an elegant dress. Prudence seemed to have found her stride in life.

Graciously, Prudence visited our home and eagerly shared her newfound success story. She had severed ties with the Aim Global MLM business and stumbled upon something truly remarkable - OneCoin, hailed as the future of payments.

Intrigued by her enthusiasm, she implored us to join this venture, assuring us that it would help us forget the $400 lost in the Aim Global MLM venture.

Prudence genuinely lamented our inability to generate profits with Aim Global, but she radiated unwavering confidence that OneCoin would be the key to transforming our lives.

The mere prospect was awe-inspiring, but we yearned for more information and sought expert opinions through face-to-face meetings.

Consequently, the following day, my father and Prudence embarked on a journey to the OneCoin offices in Kampala, nestled within the Mukwano Courts. To my recollection, the visit left an indelible impression, with the office located on the fourth floor, while the top leaders of OneCoin occupied the fifth floor.

My father immersed himself in the study of OneCoin, captivated by the concept.

I had lived with him since the early 2000s, yet I had never witnessed him exuding such elation and excitement as he did about the prospects of the OneCoin enterprise. Every detail presented to him resonated deeply, as he embraced it wholeheartedly.

The following weekend, on a crisp Saturday morning, I too embarked on this pilgrimage to explore the OneCoin opportunity.

As I arrived at the Mukwano Courts building, its grandeur overwhelmed me. This was my inaugural visit to such a prestigious edifice, and had it not been for OneCoin, I couldn't fathom venturing into such esteemed surroundings.

My lack of connections meant I had never come across individuals who frequented such domains. Alas, my only acquaintance within this realm was a gentleman named John Paul, my supervisor during my s4 vacation in 2014 at a Kampala establishment known as Pope Paul Hotel. It was he who extended the opportunity for me to work part-time as a waiter, a gesture for which I shall eternally remain grateful. John Paul was my sole tether to the city.

The OneCoin office resided on the fourth floor, occupying a spacious room capable of accommodating no fewer than 300 individuals. The opulence was palpable, with an estimated monthly rental cost of around $2,000. Prior to entering the presentation room, I caught a glimpse of Saturday David's office, adorned with portraits of Ruja Ignatova, depicting her in exquisite red attire and crimson lipstick. The office radiated an air of sophistication, complete with lavish furnishings and an imposing chair befitting its esteemed occupant. I later realized that this meticulous setup was a marketing ploy, designed to impress high-profile guests ranging from ministers to members of parliament. The investment was justified, as anyone who set foot in this space would undoubtedly recognize the immense wealth and future possibilities associated with it.

Inside the OneCoin lecture room, the walls were adorned with various educational packages and their respective costs, alongside a biography chronicling Ruja Ignatova's remarkable journey. On my initial visit, we secured seats towards the front, eager to absorb every intricate detail.

During the proceedings, charismatic speakers captivated the audience, recounting how OneCoin had positively transformed their lives and how it had the potential to revolutionizeMy father had a vested interest in me exploring the business opportunity, mainly because I was the sole person he was living with.

Additionally, I possessed a level of education that allowed me to comprehend certain aspects better than him. With my understanding of technology, albeit limited, and my fluency in English, I was able to grasp concepts quickly and with ease. Consequently, my father entrusted me with the decision of whether or not to invest.

Onecoin seemed to be a sure deal business

Believe me, I became infatuated with OneCoin as well. Its allure was captivating, almost enchanting, as we found ourselves swiftly drawn into this deceptive Ponzi MLM pyramid scheme.

Observing the behavior, attire, and testimonials of those presenting the opportunity, it appeared to be a legitimate endeavor. The public speakers at the office reinforced this notion, further cementing the belief that it was a genuine proposition.

While I harbored reservations about recruiting others, Onecoin claimed that recruitment was optional.

I was assured that I could still generate income without enlisting anyone. Even if I refrained from recruiting, the value of my Onecoin would purportedly continue to rise.

The premise was simple: invest and remain silent.

Something About Ruja Ignatova could capture attention

Ruja Ignatova's biography, in which she mentioned her involvement as a consultant in the development of Bitcoin, convinced me that OneCoin could truly dethrone Bitcoin. She asserted that she was rectifying the mistakes made by Bitcoin.

According to her, Bitcoin facilitated illicit activities and was used by black markets and terrorists due to its untraceability.

Ruja aimed to create a cryptocurrency that would be adopted by the World Bank, governments, and various organizations. She claimed to be rectifying the mistakes of Bitcoin's founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.

OneCoin was marketed as a traceable currency that authorities could employ to combat terrorism and illicit transactions. This proposition was undeniably persuasive.

We were promised membership in the global cryptocurrency elite.

Having endured various hardships and poverty throughout my life, I perceived an opportunity to break free from this cycle and create a better future for myself and my family.

OneCoin, a seemingly promising venture, held the potential to transform my life, allowing me to drive luxury cars, reside in extravagant mansions, and live the life I had always dreamed of.

However, little did I realize that I was placing my trust in individuals who turned out to be nothing short of vampires.

These individuals mercilessly shattered not only my dreams but also those of my family, including my beloved mother and father. Reflecting upon my decision, I am overwhelmed with regret for the choice I made.