Current Price: $2.98

What makes core unique?

CORE is a new blockchain that hopes to revolutionize web3 design. It attempts to provide scalability, security, and independence by combining proof of work (PoW) and delegated proof of stake (DPoS) mechanisms.

Core’s primary goal is to solve the blockchain trilemma, which is the concept that decentralization, security, and scalability can’t all be represented in one blockchain.)Theoretically, every developer has to sacrifice one of the three features when creating a blockchain. For example, Bitcoin is both secure and decentralized, but it's not extremely scalable.

In an attempt to solve this problem, the Core network operates on the Satoshi Plus consensus. Their unique consensus mechanism allows Core to simultaneously use the mechanisms from multiple different blockchains at once. It achieves decentralization by using the Bitcoin computing power with its PoW model. At the same time, a DPoS system provides scalability, and the consensus mechanism of the whole network helps the blockchain maintain optimal security.

Core blockchain system comes with various components that will be highly useful; which are Satoshi Plus consensus (which i mentioned above) and EVM-compatibility (here, Core network ensures that its users can carry out exchanges with the main EVM. People can use the Core blockchain for its affordability, speed and flexibility, and then they can run the same functionalities on the EVM to make their DApps more accessible to the public.)

Other notable components of CORE are: DAO governance, Staking, Integration with 0x, and Censorship resistant (meaning it's almost impossible for a few people to take control of the platform.)

So why CORE?

If you research Solana, you will note that it tried to provide the same outcomes as Core, but it approached the situation from a different angle. To enhance scalability while maintaining some decentralization, Solana used proof of history (PoH) and sharding to manage their blockchain. Solana is one of the most scalable chains, but it has a fair amount of security setbacks. There have been several notable chain restarts and block production halts, so some are wary of using this system. In addition to being more secure than Solana, Core is also more affordable.

In conclusion, Core’s unique Satoshi Plus consensus mechanism combines PoW and DPoS mechanisms into a single, stable blockchain. This has the potential to provide an unprecedented blend of security, decentralization, and scalability.

Core has a market cap of $168 million and a total supply of 2.1 billion tokens, while Solana has a market cap of $9 billion and a supply of 541 million tokens.

CORE has a large supply, but i am rooting for it to have $10 billion in the next few years