The 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake has left a trail of destruction and devastation in its wake. The earthquake, which struck early February 2023, is one of the deadliest earthquakes ever recorded. The earthquake, which had a magnitude of 7.8 striking Turkey and Syria, killed more than 41,000 people as of 13th February 2023 and caused extensive damage. The survivors are in urgent need of assistance and support, and the local communities need help now. In response to this dire situation, Charity DAO, the world’s first licensed philanthropy DAO and an expert in emergency fundraising, has designed and launched the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Aid NFT collection.

Father holding the hand of his 15-year-old daughter, who died in the Earthquake.

The collection is a Turkey-Syria earthquake relief effort supporting NFTs collection empowered by Charity DAO, Maxity charity NFT marketplace, and OKX Web3, featuring unique digital art pieces and representing symbols of hope for community reconstruction after the earthquake. The price of each NFT is 10 Matic and there is a total supply of 1000. The collection is a great opportunity for NFT collectors and supporters of charitable causes to come together to make a difference. By purchasing one of these NFTs, you are not only getting a unique piece of digital art, but you are also supporting a great cause. To encourage participation, Maxity has generously decided to donate 100,000 MAX Coins to the cause. As a thank-you to each charity NFT holder for their support, they will receive 100 MAX Coins as a reward.

The funds raised through the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake Aid NFT collection will be directly utilised to support the communities affected by the earthquake, and Charity DAO will fully disclose the disbursement of funds raised to ensure transparency. In partnership with its global Turkey Ambassador, Charity DAO is dedicated to providing critical aid to the survivors. The aid will address the immediate needs of the affected population, including access to healthcare services, nutritious food, and safe shelter. As the risk of further devastation, including the spread of disease, continues to escalate, it is imperative that the humanitarian relief efforts are strengthened. The earthquake has placed an enormous strain on existing resources, and the support provided through this NFT collection will play a crucial role in alleviating the suffering of the affected communities.

We encourage all charitable parties to consider purchasing one of these NFTs from the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Aid collection and make a contribution towards supporting the communities in need. Your support can help provide essential aid to those who have been affected by this devastating event. Let us come together to make a difference and provide hope to those who need it the most.