Yesterday, October 31, marked the 14th anniversary of the publication of the Bitcoin white paper for a list of crypto enthusiasts by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Throughout these 14 years, the newly created Bitcoin grew and gained popularity in the market to the point of becoming one of the most appreciated assets in history.

The premise of this white-paper is simple: Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer (p2p) digital cash system and it also outlines how it will work. Although at first it was an invention adopted by the community of programmers dedicated to cryptography, over time it earned a place as a highly speculative financial asset due to its rapid growth in a very short time, putting blockchain technology on the rise and witnessing thousands of networks that appeared after its creation.

In its origins, being simply a digitally interchangeable technology (such as a common and current item in a video game) and being known and used by only a few users, it did not have a market price as such, the first coins were They were given away between miner and miner or could be mined from any normal desktop computer. One of the first established prices for Bitcoin was $0.0008, which was the calculated cost of mining each one. From that moment on, it ceased to be just an interchangeable technology to have a monetary market value. The first transaction in history carried out with btc, which you have surely heard of due to its iconicity in crypto culture, was the purchase of two pizzas in exchange for 10,000 Bitcoins in May 2010, a day that is celebrated today. such as Bitcoin Pizza Day, through the forum in which all interactions related to cryptocurrency took place. At that time, Bitcoin began to be used according to the purpose established in its white paper: to be a digital cash system.

Today, 14 years later, it is important to remember why Bitcoin emerged as a technology and its importance, beyond its market value and the speculative halo that surrounds it. Bitcoin is the first technology, after gold, that allows us to be completely owners of our money, sheltering us from the oscillations and manipulations that are carried out on fiat money. In addition, all this is done digitally, completely portable and liquid, being a better option in this regard than gold. It is the closest thing to having cash, but in a digital way, which until then depended on an entity such as Visa or Paypal that certifies the transaction carried out. From this technology, many people have had the opportunity to question and critically look at fiduciary money and the agents that watch over it, choosing this cryptocurrency as money over conventional money. Beyond its dollar value, it is important to understand the freedoms and advantages that this technology provides us, knowing that the appreciation of Bitcoin is the consequence of this and of the code on which it is based.