According to Odaily, Xu Zhengyu, the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Financial Affairs and Treasury Bureau, has stated that as the cryptocurrency industry evolves, regulatory bodies will review requirements related to cryptocurrency activities as needed. Xu Zhengyu stated today that the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Securities and Futures Commission will 'closely monitor market developments and review regulations related to virtual asset-related activities under appropriate circumstances.'

His comments came in response to a legislator's question about whether regulatory bodies would expedite the review process for cryptocurrency licenses and relax rules for intermediaries distributing crypto assets. The Hong Kong government's approach to cryptocurrency regulation reflects a growing global trend of governments and regulatory bodies adjusting their policies to accommodate the rapid growth and evolution of the cryptocurrency industry.

While the specifics of any potential changes to Hong Kong's cryptocurrency regulations remain unclear, Xu Zhengyu's comments suggest that the government is open to adapting its approach to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in the face of the industry's ongoing development. This could potentially include changes to licensing procedures for cryptocurrency businesses or adjustments to rules governing the distribution of crypto assets by intermediaries.