According to U.Today, the TON ecosystem is currently experiencing a surge in phishing attacks, posing a significant risk to users operating on Telegram's blockchain. The warning was issued by SlowMist, highlighting that TON wallet assets are being compromised by these attacks. The attacks are primarily distributed through groups and employ deceptive techniques such as fake airdrops.

The phishing attacks use simple but effective methods. They are often distributed through message groups, using phishing links or bots that often appear as airdrops or other enticing offers. If a user falls for these scams, their TON wallet can quickly be drained of NFTs and other assets.

Users' Telegram accounts may be compromised if their private keys are stolen, unless they have enabled two-step verification or a separate password. To protect oneself, it is recommended to always be vigilant and follow certain practices. Enabling Two-Step Verification can further secure your Telegram account, even if an attacker manages to obtain your Telegram data.

Users are advised to be cautious of airdrops and to verify their legitimacy before participating. Official airdrops are usually announced through verified channels. Users should also refrain from clicking on unknown links, especially those offering free tokens or other incentives, as phishing links often appear convincing.

Staying updated with security news is also crucial. Users should regularly consult reputable sources for updates and alerts about the latest phishing schemes and security risks within the TON ecosystem.