According to BlockBeats, on June 25, the People's Procuratorate of Xuhui District, Shanghai, accused Hong, a former deputy director of the Advanced Attack Research Institute of Qihoo 360, of collaborating with Yang and Zhang. Between February 9 and 20, 2023, they allegedly exploited the Yapi remote code execution vulnerability to gain control over a target cryptocurrency website. They then used internal network penetration and trojan implantation to control the internal network server. After finding the server source code, they analyzed and obtained the victim Su's cryptocurrency wallet address and private key, and constructed false instructions to transfer the cryptocurrency in the victim's wallet address.

During this period, Zheng, the leader of the Weapon Group of the Advanced Attack and Defense Laboratory of Qihoo 360, allegedly forged Dash coin signatures and broadcast transactions under Hong's instructions, transferring 3015.9 Dash coins belonging to the victim. Initially, Hong refused to confess when notified by the public security authorities, but later confessed to the crime. Zheng also confessed without denial when notified by the public security authorities. Hong and Zheng have respectively compensated 962,790 yuan and 70,000 yuan.