According to Odaily, a whale investor has recently made a significant purchase of PEPE, a cryptocurrency, despite currently experiencing losses. The investor, identified by the handle @ai_9684xtpa, has reportedly bought PEPE worth $980,000 in the past three months. The average price of the purchased PEPE was 0.00001186 USDT.

The same investor has been building a position in PEPE since June 1st, accumulating a total of 512 billion PEPE. The average cost of these purchases was approximately 0.00001399 USDT. Despite the substantial investment, the investor is currently at a loss of $1.08 million.

This news highlights the volatility and risk associated with cryptocurrency investments, even for large-scale investors known as 'whales'. Despite the current losses, the investor's continued investment in PEPE suggests a belief in the potential long-term value of the cryptocurrency.