According to Odaily, The Colony has announced a partnership with Orange Cap Games. The collaboration will result in the launch of a trading card game (TCG) based on the Pudgy Penguins intellectual property (IP). The first pre-sale of the TCG is set to begin today. Additionally, the first edition of the physical supplement pack will also be available for pre-order.

The partnership between The Colony and Orange Cap Games marks a significant step in the gaming industry. The Pudgy Penguins IP-based TCG is expected to attract a large number of players and collectors due to the popularity of the Pudgy Penguins franchise. The pre-sale event is likely to generate significant interest among the gaming community.

The availability of the first edition of the physical supplement pack for pre-order is another exciting aspect of this collaboration. This pack is expected to enhance the gaming experience for players and provide additional value for collectors. The details of the contents of the supplement pack have not been disclosed yet.

This collaboration is a testament to the growing trend of integrating popular IPs into various forms of entertainment, including TCGs. It also highlights the potential of partnerships between gaming companies to create unique and engaging gaming experiences. The impact of this partnership on the gaming industry and the success of the Pudgy Penguins IP-based TCG will be closely watched by industry observers.