According to Odaily, analysts from QCP Capital have indicated a calm summer ahead with low volatility and no apparent catalysts to drive market development. The report suggests that traders might consider accumulation as a strategy for the 'long and calm summer', especially for Ethereum. They further predict that the price of Ethereum (ETH) may not experience significant fluctuations in July.

The analysts' report does not foresee any major catalysts that could potentially disrupt the market or cause significant price changes. This suggests a period of stability for Ethereum, which could be beneficial for traders looking to accumulate the cryptocurrency. The prediction of a calm summer for Ethereum comes amidst a broader context of low volatility in the cryptocurrency market.

The report also highlights the potential strategy of accumulation for traders. This involves buying and holding a particular asset, in this case, Ethereum, with the expectation that its value will increase over time. Given the predicted stability of Ethereum's price, this could be a viable strategy for traders during the upcoming summer months.