According to Odaily, the first meme project based on ZETASbox, initiated by @hhaofficial, has received donations of 4,365 SOL from over 1,200 donors. The fundraising campaign will stop accepting donations once it reaches 5,000 SOL. Half of the tokens will be used to incentivize donors, while the other half will be added to the liquidity pool (LP), with all the raised SOL going into the LP.

ZETASbox, an innovative editable vault based on Solana, supports a variety of needs including donations, meme launches, and fundraising. It is committed to protecting users from deception. The platform's unique approach to fundraising and user protection has made it a popular choice for projects like this one. The success of the OHHA project so far demonstrates the potential of ZETASbox and similar platforms in the rapidly evolving world of digital currencies and blockchain technology.