According to Odaily, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has responded to Emmanuel Awosika's comment that Ethereum in 2024 resembles a science lab experiment lacking an overall plan. Buterin stated that the challenges are more subtle. He emphasized that there is a solid consensus on the direction of L1 development, but what is lacking is a similar understanding of the infrastructure within the scope beyond the L1 ecosystem.

He pointed out that 75% of the examples given by Awosika are not based on L1, indicating a higher-level challenge of ecosystem construction and standardization. He mentioned 'Enshrined bridging', 'decentralized rollup technology', and 'multi provers' as examples that do not possess L1 characteristics. Buterin stressed that having a roadmap is not enough, resources are also needed to execute it.

He cited ERC-7683 and Waku as good progress, but emphasized the need for more than 10 similar innovations, along with a coherent blueprint to identify what is missing, who is building them, and ensuring they have the resources and motivation to do so.

In related news, Uniswap Labs announced on platform X and Across Protocol proposed a new cross-chain intent standard ERC-7683, aimed at establishing a unified framework for intent-based specified cross-chain operations. This standard allows for the implementation of a standard API for cross-chain transaction execution systems. It provides a generic CrossChainOrder structure and a standard ISettlementContract smart contract interface.