According to Odaily, Swell has announced that its rswETH V2 is currently being audited by Sigma Prime and Nethermind. This upgrade is expected to introduce several new features.

The first feature is the ability to make withdrawals, which is aimed at promoting the Token Generation Event (TGE) and future stability. This feature is crucial as it allows users to withdraw their funds at any time, thereby providing them with more control over their investments.

The second feature is the re-staking of LST, including swETH. This feature is designed to provide users with the opportunity to earn more rewards by re-staking their tokens. This could potentially increase the overall value of the tokens and make them more attractive to investors.

The third feature is the secure delegation to AVS. This feature is intended to enhance the security of the platform and protect users' investments. By delegating to AVS, Swell aims to ensure that the platform remains secure and reliable.

These upgrades are part of Swell's ongoing efforts to improve its platform and provide its users with a more efficient and secure experience. The audit by Sigma Prime and Nethermind is expected to ensure that these new features function as intended and do not pose any security risks.