According to Odaily, blockchain analyst Yu Jing has reported that Sun Yuchen deposited a significant amount of Ethereum (ETH) into two different addresses seven hours ago. The total amount deposited was 146,110 ETH, equivalent to $561 million, into Lido and 52,315 ETH, equivalent to $201 million, into Kelp DAO.

The first address, 0x435...7cb, received 146,110 ETH for Lido and 30,000 ETH for Kelp DAO. The second address, 0x205...621, received 22,315 ETH for Kelp DAO. The transactions indicate a significant movement of cryptocurrency, particularly Ethereum, into these platforms.

Sun Yuchen's large-scale deposit into Lido and Kelp DAO could potentially influence the dynamics of these platforms. However, the reasons behind these transactions remain unclear. Further updates will follow as more information becomes available.