According to Foresight News, data from DefiLlama reveals that Jito TVL has broken through the $1.4 billion mark, making it the highest DeFi protocol on Solana, accounting for approximately 38% of the total. The staking protocol Marinade comes in second, with a TVL of $1.35 billion. Following Marinade are Kamino, Raydium, and Marginfi, with respective TVLs of $1.03 billion, $613 million, and $421 million.

The rise of Jito TVL to the top spot signifies a shift in the DeFi landscape on Solana. The data indicates a growing interest and trust in Jito as a DeFi protocol. The other protocols, while not as dominant, also represent significant portions of the total TVL on Solana.

This information provides an insight into the current state of DeFi protocols on Solana and their respective standings. It also highlights the dynamic nature of the DeFi space, with different protocols vying for dominance.