According to Foresight News, cryptocurrency payment provider Alchemy Pay has announced a partnership with Trekki NFT, a project incubated by the Ctrip Group. The collaboration aims to expand Alchemy Pay's NFT Checkout functionality to support and facilitate the minting process of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Trekki NFT is a project that focuses on creating unique digital assets in the form of NFTs, which have gained significant popularity in recent years. The partnership with Alchemy Pay will enable Trekki NFT to leverage the payment provider's advanced technology and expertise in the cryptocurrency space, enhancing the overall user experience for those looking to create and trade NFTs.

The expansion of Alchemy Pay's NFT Checkout functionality is expected to streamline the minting process, making it more accessible and efficient for users. This collaboration marks another milestone for Alchemy Pay as it continues to establish itself as a leading player in the cryptocurrency payment industry.