According to Cointelegraph, the Nature science journal recently published an editorial in its Nature Bioscience section praising decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) as a revolutionary new method for researchers in underfunded scientific fields to create communities around their work and raise funding that might not otherwise be available. In a DAO-based research scheme, a project's organization, fundraising, feedback, and pipeline from discovery to product/industry can all be handled by the same decentralized governing body. The general workflow would be streamlined compared to the status quo, with project proposals sent to the DAO and each DAO member voting on whether a particular project should be funded.

DAOs are built on blockchain technology, allowing them to function on a transparent and decentralized digital ledger not controlled by a single entity or institution. In the science world, this means that project funding and community interaction can be democratized. Traditionally, scientists working at or with the most prestigious institutions receive the most funding and have access to the most potential funding. As scientists leave geographical areas with less funding to pursue research in wealthier areas, the 'brain drain' associated with emigration is compounded.

DAOs don't necessarily have to respect borders, though the legalities surrounding their operation can vary by location. They can be governed by the needs and wishes of the scientists performing the research, not the country, university, or company sponsoring it. The Nature editorial staff concludes that DAOs could become a crucial platform for underfunded researchers, but adoption will require further education. They emphasize that the DAO is not just a funding body, but also a community of people who care strongly about supporting a particular scientific cause.