According to Foresight News, Web3 social application Phaver has released its whitepaper, which includes information on its token economy model and other updates. The whitepaper states that the in-app purchase points feature is currently planned for release in the fourth quarter of 2023, while advertising functionality is set to launch in 2024. Additionally, Phaver plans to introduce an NFT series through various in-app utilities.

The token economy model disclosed by Phaver shows a total supply cap of 10 billion tokens. Phaver also plans to initiate a quarterly token burn program using revenue obtained from native tokens or other liquid tokens and fiat currencies. In the token distribution, the largest share (28%) is allocated for user rewards, to be distributed over several years and potentially subsidized by other liquid tokens from advertising and other revenue streams, such as subscriptions and native utility NFTs. The second-largest share (27.7%) is designated for the ecosystem treasury, which can be used for application development and improvement, as well as partially distributed to users or burned. The third-largest share is team allocation (18%), which includes a one-year lock-up period and linear unlocking over four years. Additionally, 18.3% will be used for sales, 2% allocated to partners, 3% allocated to advisors, and 3% reserved for rewarding early users who joined before the TGE, in addition to the 28% user rewards pool.