Hi I want to share my experience regarding cryto trading
After losing 1300$ in a month I learn 1 thing by my mentor
1) Future trading is not for beigners because when market dump badly beignner can't handle and sustain their money and how to manage the liquidity etc
2) never take high leverage in future trading like 5x 10x and more than that they are totally at risk
3) always put more funds on spot trading and never buy at the price when market is completely bulish if you you want to buy at high to check just spend 3% of your account to get the signals.
When you see you are in appotunity for getting the coins at low price never get more greedy and panic that I'm going to invest all of my money on 1 2 3 coins
Always buy in parts because market will trap you in different ways. They ll make you feel now bulish but 70% of the time is the traps so don't panic when market again dump more invest little bit more money
5) never put your 100% capital on cryto even you feel now coins can't go more down because this is totally unpredictable market. It can give strange and false result.
6) always have a person who has market experience atleadt 2 3 years he ll keep you safe to be panic and when you are in lose he will control you and will guide you in a better ways
7) if you are losing money on daily basic just pay 50 or 100$ out of this total money to your guider for learning you will get triple of your money
8) I remember one of my post comment never sell your stock at very low price until the bomb is not blast đđ this comment is always in my mind from now on
9) last very important thing learning is the key to success in cryto market. Don't follow the YouTube from there you will get some knowledge but not able to learn how to grow your account. Everyone is just making vedios for subscribers and likes that is fact.
Come to reality and face the real cryto work thanks